Airflo Vector 4# 8ft
If you're fishing small streams and rivers and are after a delicate presentation then this Airflo Vector 4# outfit is the perfect choice! This rod is a slightly shorter 8ft which is perfect for tight areas and is a compact 4 piece construction. The reel is hand spooled with backing and an Airflo floating fly line and comes in a heavy duty codura rod tube.
Airflo Vector 5# 9ft
The Airflo Vector 5# complete outfit is a great choice when you're looking for an outfit that can fish small streams and also light lake work. The rod is a traditional 9ft in length and is a convenience 4 pieces. The reel is hand spooled with backing and floating line and also comes with a condura rod tube for travel convenience.
Airflo Vector 6# 9ft
When you are after an allround freshwater outfit the Airflo Vector 6# is a great choice. The rod is a traditional 9ft in length and is a convenience 4 pieces. The reel is hand spooled with backing and floating line and also comes with a travel convenience codura rod tube.
Airflo Vector 8# 8ft
When it comes to saltwater or native freshwater fishing the Airflo Vector 8# is a great choice of outfit. The rod is powerful and comes in a convenience 4 pieces. The reel is hadn spooled with backing and floating line and comes with a codura rod tube for travel convenience.