SKU: 61978
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SKU: 61978
The Yamashita LIVE SEARCH squid jigs feature a number of unique features but what sets this jig apart is the 600 hz rattle inside the body. Yamashita have discovered after much research with a leading Japanese University that squid can pick up sounds between 400hz and 1400hz with 600hz being the optimum level for squid to be most interested.
To achieve the 600hz Yamashita needed to change the plastic body material to a bone plastic material and use stainless steel bearings (not glass or plastic). This combination results in a high pitch rattle that no other jig on the market can replicate.
490 GLOW was developed by Yamashita after research showed the best wavelength of visible light for squid is 490nm. 490 GLOW stickers are attached to the LIVE search so it now incorporates the best sound for squid, the best light for squid, the warm jacket and the easiest darting action for the angler.
Rattle - 600Hz rattle in body
Barcode # | yamashitaegiohqlivesearch |
Brand | Yamashita |